Decorative Mountain Image - Over the Hero
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Coming Up
- Stewardship
- Accountability
- Empathy
- Quality
- Integrity
- Respect
- Collaboration
Our Schedule
School Start & Close
- Drop-off @ 8:50 & school start @ 9:05
- Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri: School ends at 3:20
- Wednesday: EARLY RELEASE dismissal at 2:15
Please try to call with any end of day transportation changes prior to 2:00
Our Goals & Beliefs
Mission & Beliefs
“Through a cooperative network of parent, teachers, and community members, the MSFLC will provide a safe, nurturing, family-oriented, multi-age learning environment supporting a highly rigorous academic program for higher education preparation with high standards of responsible citizenship. Current technology will be incorporated in all aspects of the students' education. MSFLC will promote academic excellence, character development and educational enthusiasm resulting in responsible, productive citizens.”- Mission Statement 1997 Midnight Sun Family Learning Center.